Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 1045
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: enumerations.HHS
Total Funding: $1,052,165

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $618,389

Result: Increased awareness, demand and utilization of PMTCT services. AED is to develop and implement

a national PMTCT social marketing campaign that will increase the level of knowledge about PMTCT, foster

positive attitudes, promote HIV testing, and increase utilization of PMTCT services.


Through a Task Order from the USG, AED will provide technical assistance and support to Family Health

Division of Ministry of Health to implement a national PMTCT social marketing campaign for Botswana.


AED will implement the following activities: develop and launch a new PMTCT logo, conduct a media

campaign, develop, print and distribute IEC materials, design and print new PMTCT patient folders and

referral cards and regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. This will increase the

level of knowledge about PMTCT, foster positive attitudes, promote HIV testing, increase utilization of

PMTCT services and promote support for HIV positive pregnant women amongst key target audiences.


The expected benefit to the program is an increase in the number of pregnant women tested for HIV and

utilizing full PMTCT services, including replacement feeding, with increased support from partners, families

and communities.

New Total Funding Request (July 11,2005):

Two main reasons:

1)The context has changed. Due to the introduction of routine HIV testing in Botswana, the uptake of HIV

testing by pregnant women has increased and is >80%, so the priority for a large and comprehensive social

marketing campaign highlighting the importance of HIV testing during pregnancy is no longer an issue.

2)The contractor did not perform according to international standards. Personality issues arose between

staff of the AED team and the team from the MoH that were difficult to resolve.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $433,776

This is supplemental funding to Program Area Code 09 Budget Code HVCT during the period of January to

September 2005. Our prelimnary consultation with the contractor revealed that their operation cost for

capacity development is significantly deficient. This funding is anticipated to strengthen activities listed

under the program and yield similar outputs and outcomes.